An indispensable need for living beings, being at the same time a universal right for human
beings, is access and physical availability to clean drinking water.
Extractivism, deforestation, pollution from discharges of chemical substances, solid waste or fecal material, the effects of climate change that leads to an increase in temperature produce the irreversible loss of biodiversity and pollution of rivers.
Contaminated water is a vehicle for transmitting diseases because it may contain pathogenic microorganisms or chemical substances that, when ingested, cause some damage to the body. The presence of bacteria, parasites and toxic waste in water for human use and consumption causes diseases such as cholera, dysentery, hepatitis A and typhoid fever. (According to the WHO, 88% of diarrheal diseases are the result of an unsafe water supply and poor sanitation and hygiene.)
Extractivism, deforestation, pollution from discharges of chemical substances, solid waste or fecal material, the effects of climate change that leads to an increase in temperature produce the irreversible loss of biodiversity and pollution of rivers.
Contaminated water is a vehicle for transmitting diseases because it may contain pathogenic microorganisms or chemical substances that, when ingested, cause some damage to the body. The presence of bacteria, parasites and toxic waste in water for human use and consumption causes diseases such as cholera, dysentery, hepatitis A and typhoid fever. (According to the WHO, 88% of diarrheal diseases are the result of an unsafe water supply and poor sanitation and hygiene.)

For more than 50 years, oil exploration and exploitation activities have contaminated water sources. Populations in rural areas, mostly indigenous, do not have access to safe water for human consumption. This causes diseases, including increased mortality and chronic
childhood malnutrition and cancer. Additionally, the Amazonian indigenous population is dispersed in small hamlets of between 5 and 15 families in remote places with only river access
and therefore are the last priority for municipalities in terms of the provision of services such as
Objectives of Fundación Raíz Ecuador are to promote the conservation of the environment and support of indigenous people. For years we have worked with Amazonian indigenous peoples, especially with the Siekopai people. Fundación Raíz Ecuador considers it essential to guarantee access to safe water for human consumption. We are working on a project focused on providing safe water for 9 Siekopai communities located along the Aguarico River basin, in the Shushufindi canton, Sucumbíos, in the Amazon.
Objectives of Fundación Raíz Ecuador are to promote the conservation of the environment and support of indigenous people. For years we have worked with Amazonian indigenous peoples, especially with the Siekopai people. Fundación Raíz Ecuador considers it essential to guarantee access to safe water for human consumption. We are working on a project focused on providing safe water for 9 Siekopai communities located along the Aguarico River basin, in the Shushufindi canton, Sucumbíos, in the Amazon.